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Disinfect Your Commercial Space

Learn about cleaning a commercial/workspace to make sure you, your coworkers, and your clients are safe and healthy.

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Cleaning Your Office Space

As the flu, Covid, and other illnesses spread, it is important to keep your commercial space clean. Cleaning and disinfecting consistently is the best way to do so. According to Cleanlink, these are tips for disinfecting your office:

  • Wipe surfaces in one direction. If you go back and forth, the germs you pick up on the wipe or towel will be re-deposited onto the space.
  • If using cloths, color code them according to what room or area you use them in. For example, use yellow for bathrooms and blue for the main office.
  • Wipe down high-touch surfaces frequently. This includes keyboards, mice, door handles, and chairs. 


Keeping office and commercial spaces clean is an all hands on deck process. According to Commercial Cleaning Corp, 39% of people don’t wash or disinfect their hands after coughing or sneezing, and more than half of Americans don’t wash their hands after touching shared equipment, public transportation, and other heavily trafficked surfaces.  “On average, you touch 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing you to over 840,000 germs.” As germs can easily be brought into a commercial space, it is important to make sure everyone is doing their part in washing their hands and taking all precautions possible.


In a shared space such as a commercial space, it is recommended to disinfect with hospital-grade disinfectant. The CDC suggests cleaning the surface with soap and water before disinfecting. Cleaning and disinfecting are not the same thing. Make sure you do both. Use an EPA approved disinfectant and make sure you know the ingredients in anything you are using. 


And of course, make sure you follow all directions on how to use products to ensure your safety.